Getting Kids to Eat Their Veggies

Getting Kids to Eat Their Veggies

Hi Everyone,

Heather Lounsbury here, sharing some more tips about health and wellness.


I was a picky eater until my teenage years. No cheese on pizza. Tons of parmesan on spaghetti with butter. I would only eat three vegetables- broccoli, carrots, and peas.


If they were smothered in butter, they were perfect. I did love fruit, thank goodness. My preferred meal? Peanut butter and jelly on Wonderful or Spaghettios. Now, I live of nourishing food.

I get asked by exasperated parents with small children, “How can I get my child to eat their veggies? I’ve tried everything.”


Most importantly, if your child is young enough, make healthy, plant based meals and snacks the norm. Have fruit be their sweet treat. Of course, once your child goes to their first birthday party or is in daycare, you can only do so much. Just do your best.


  • Get them involved in cooking, preparing their food. They will feel in charge. If it’s as simple as washing a carrot or putting almond butter on their apple.
  • Hide vegetables creatively. Adding greens to smoothies. Oatmeal cooked with sweet potatoes. I recommend Ruby Roth’s Help Yourself Cookbook for Kids for recipe ideas.
  • Make fun names for dishes. Depending on your child’s interests. Tyranosaurus tomato sauce. Spaceship spinach pie. Barbie loves broccoli. Elmo eats eggplant.
  • Have special meal nights, if possible. For example, pizza night loaded with veggies. Breakfast for dinner with pancakes topped with fruit instead of syrup. Taco Tuesdays loaded with tofu, tempeh, or beans.
  • Travel the globe. Teach your child about different cultures and create dishes from that country.
  • Teach them how nutritious food helps them be faster, stronger, smarter, sleep well, and/or not get tummy aches and colds.


I know each child is different. Some are more stubborn than others. I hope my tips will at least give you a few workable ideas.

I wish you the best of luck!

Live natural. Live well.


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